Odour Reseach Laboratory

The Odour Research Laboratory at HKPolyU was established in 1995 and specializes in odour research and consultancy for environmental odours with the following expertise:
Sampling of odorous air pollutants, including odours and some specific odorous compounds like ammonia, hydrogen sulfide,
and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from various odour sources using contemporary sampling equipments such as flux chamber, wind tunnel and stack sampler.
Measurement and monitoring of odour concentration and intensity using a dynamic olfactometer according to the European Standard Method (EN13725).
Dispersion modelling and impact assessment of odours for existing and proposed projects against required regulatory odour performance criteria.
Odour management and emission control including treatment and abatement of odorous emissions at various souces.
Training and education of personnel responsible for developing and implementing odour monitoring, assessment and policies.